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Mental Health

Mental Health logo featuring the words "Mental Health" written on wooden blocks


What is the Hope project?

The Hope Project is a school emotional wellbeing intervention, which supports children and their families. The project offers signposting, self-help guidance, early intervention and also promotes our whole school approach to emotional wellbeing.

A child may need someone to talk to about emotional, behavioural or social difficulties. Hope  aims to provide this support.

The kind of issues Hope can help with are:

Any aspect of family life that may be affecting your child’s emotional well-being
School refusal | Bullying | Behaviour
Anxiety | Sadness | Low self-esteem
Illness | Bereavement

Who provides the service?

At our school, Mrs Ward and Miss Russell are our trained HOPE champions.

What does it involve?

The Hope Project is a low-level, early intervention project aimed at supporting pupils’ emotional needs in schools. This is done through 1:1 listening sessions, group activities and whole school promotion of positive emotional health & wellbeing.

How does a young person access the Hope project?

Typically, a parent or  member of school staff  will contact Mrs Ward or Miss Russell via the class teacher or headteacher and a referral form will be completed.  Please see a copy of the Hope Referral Form below.

Trick Box

As part of our whole school, well-being approach, we use Trick Box, which is a fun personal development programme, to help children to:

  • Manage emotions and anxiety.
  • Develop communication skills and positive actions.
  • Create and achieve personal goals.
  • Build confidence and self-esteem.

In nursery, children are introduced to Doodle the Dog and through stories are encouraged to recognise their feelings and emotions.

From Reception to Year 4 children are introduced to ‘tricks’, which they can use throughout their lives to help deal with challenges.

The colour of the card shows what area the trick can help with.

Other Support

Family support

Raising children can be a physical and emotional rollercoaster and that’s why Mums and Dads need all the support they can get! If you’re going through a hard time at the moment, or could do with some help and advice around issues like: physical health, yours or your child’s emotional wellbeing, keeping children safe, boundaries and behaviour, family routine, home and money, we can make a referral through school for some relevant support. Please speak to Mrs Spiers if you would like more information.

Health Visiting and School Nursing Service

The school nurse can provide advice and support on issues including:

  • Managing behaviour
  • Emotional health and wellbeing
  • Continence issues e.g. soiling and enuresis
  • Developmental concerns
  • Advice, information and signposting to sexual health and contraception services
  • Growth and weight concerns
  • Advice and  information in relation to lifestyle concerns including smoking, drugs or alcohol
  • Supporting pupils and their families/carers with newly diagnosed medical conditions

Advice can be found at
The school nursing team can be contacted by telephone on 0300 303 3924

Staffordshire Connects

The Staffordshire Connects Website  provides a wealth of information and contact details for services for children and families that can be accessed locally.