Our Staff
Miss Nixon
Assistant Headteacher
Miss Gould
Mrs Williams
Miss Griffiths, Mrs Bishop, Miss Batley, Miss Fowler-Parkes, Mrs Andrews, Mrs Fletcher-Johnson and Miss Brown
Miss Browning (Maths and Computing Leader)
Year 1
Mrs Green (PE, MFL and PHSE Leader)
Year 2
Miss White (History, Geography and Visible Learner Leader)
Year 3
Miss Gould (Assistant Headteacher, Music, RE and Art Leader)
Year 4
Miss Bowen
Mrs Caddick (English, Design and Technology and Science Leader) - supporting all classes until October
Teaching Assistants
Phase 1 (Early Years)
Mrs Andrews, Mrs Whitby and Mrs Till
Phase 2 (Years 1 and 2)
Miss Ellis, Mrs Squires and Mrs Nicholls
Phase 3 (Years 3 and 4)
Mrs Ward and Miss Russell (TA SENDCo support)
Office Staff
Mrs Guest and Mrs Land
Mrs Henaughan, Mrs Douglas and Mrs Smith
Miss Vincent, Mrs Squires, Miss Deakin and Miss Batley
Cleaning and Caretaking
Mr Flynn and Mrs Douglas
Before and After School Club
Miss Smith, Miss Batley, Miss Russell, Mrs Whitby, Miss Griffiths and Mrs Andrews