Public Sector Equality Duty
The Equality Act 2010 requires schools to publish specific and measurable equality objectives. Our equality objectives are based on our analysis of data and other evidence.
Our equality objectives focus on those areas where we have agreed to take action to improve equality and tackle disadvantages. We will review annually the progress we are making to meet our equality objectives and amend our objectives when necessary.
Objectives | Objectives Reason | Actions (processes) | Objectives Progress |
To continue to promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, including British Values through all appropriate curricular and extra-curricular opportunities | We want an ethos and climate that promotes British Values | Ensure, by carrying out a regular audit, that all areas of SMSC are actively promoted in the school. | Annual audit shows that provision covers all areas and values |
Provide opportunities for children to engage with people from other faiths and cultures. | To promote tolerance and understanding of others’ beliefs because the school population is predominantly white British with a very low number of pupils from other ethnic groups. | Implement a planned annual programme of visits and visitors linked to the Religious Education Curriculum. | Pupils experience at least 1 visit or visitor from different faiths in years 2-4. |
Maintain attendance figures above the National percentages for pupil premium children and children with SEN Support. | Attendance figures for these groups were below the National average for 2015 and 2016 but are rising every consecutive year. | Closely monitor attendance. Send out termly RAG rated letters and work with the Education Welfare Service to take action where pupils have red letters with no genuine reason for that degree of absence by meeting with families. | Data shows attendance of FSM children and children with SEN support is above the National for these groups in both cases. |
The attainment of all children is tracked so that individual needs are quickly identified and met. Ensure targeted intervention is put in place for all pupils who need to ‘close the gap’ to achieve good progress. | |||
Close the attainment gap between vulnerable pupils and other pupils. | Pupils in vulnerable groups do not perform as well as other pupils. | Support from outside agencies is actively sought to ensure barriers to learning are overcome. Vulnerable pupil records and class data analysis show identification of pupils who are not making expected progress and intervention measures that are put in place. | Generally pupils in disadvantaged groups perform at a similar level to pupils in those groups Nationally. |